About the magnificent birds I manage to capture with my camera at Svalbard.
onsdag 2. juni 2010
May 24th
This was a day where little happened, but the first Dunlin (Myrsnipe) had arrived, but only produced a picture at long distance. Of other birds a couple of male Teals (Krikkand) was the only other species I got a photo of.
I am an eager birder who have moved to Svalbard and Longyearbyen, and spend as much time as possible out with my feathered friends. I will use this blog to tell all of you who visit this blog about the birds and other wonders of nature that interest me and that I manage to get photos of. If you are coming to Svalbard, or if you see an interesting bird while on Svalbard, please dont hesitate to contact me by giving a comment to one of my posts. If you are coming to Longyearbyen and would like to contact me for info on where to find the wildlife, please contact me on: ole.edvard.torland@gmail.com
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